
New Member Benefit - Discount Rockies Tickets

Rockies Discount Ticket Vouchers Now Available!

Chapter 032 is pleased to announce a new local benefit available for NTEU members. Discount ticket vouchers for the Colorado Rockies are now available to be purchased from the Chapter office for only $12.00 each!

These ticket vouchers can then be exchanged for a game ticket in the Outfield box, Pavilion (left field), or Upper Reserved Infield seating areas. These vouchers may be exchanged by our members for tickets to any 'value' or 'premium' game. The tickets you receive in exchange have a regular price of $18-$36 depending on ticket location and game. (Exclusions would be the Cubs, Cardinals, and Yankees series as well as the Fireworks games July 3rd and 4th.)

The Outfield Box seats are located in sections 110-117 and 144-150.
The Pavilion seats are sections 151-160.
The Upper Infield Reserved are in sections 321-340
Stadium map: http://ev9.evenue.net/evenue/linkID=rockies-st/images/maps/map-CF2006.gif

We received some vouchers from the Rockies last week, but we discovered there was a problem with how the Rockies had them encoded. They have re-programmed some of their ticketing software and also reprinted the vouchers with proper coding. The Rockies regret the inconvenience and delay, but it was important to correct the error to ensure the integrity of the discount offer.

Each voucher has a unique certificate code listed on it. If your Rockies ticket representative has difficulty completing the transaction, please remind them each certificate number much be entered individually if you are exchanging more than one voucher.

These vouchers can be exchanged at the Coors Field box office or at the Rockies Dug Out stores.

Anyone who wants to take advantage of this fantastic benefit can contact the chapter office at 303-446-1700 or mailto:ntnteu032@aol.com. You can also stop by the chapter office on the third floor of Dominion Plaza North Tower. If you are at an outlying POD, please make your check or money order out to NTEU, Chapter 32. Advise the chapter of your interest and that your order is being sent, by sending an email to nteu032@aol.com. Then, Mail your remittance to NTEU, Chapter 32/Rockies, PO Box 1617, Denver, CO 80201.

See you and your family at Coors Field!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.